BETBY announces entering content partnership with 500 casino

BETBY announces entering content partnership with 500 casino

BETBY recently announced entering a content-based partnership with 500 Casino. The sportsbook provider will offer its game library and sportsbook as part of the partnership.

In addition, BETBY will offer its customizable products alongside a reporting tool and support systems. 500 Casino has also gained access to BETBY’s popular titles and betting prospects (online 24 hours a day) through the partnership.

With the development, BETBY has also received a strong commercial boost. The platform has been on a roll, establishing partnerships with several online crypto casinos. Some of these ventures are Together Gaming, BC.GAME, and STATSCORE. 

BETBY’s Head of Sales, Rosaire Cavallaro, also talked about the development. According to Rosaire, BETBY is a company known for embracing new trends and technologies, like eSports and blockchain. Thus, the team is delighted to enter a partnership with a capable name like 500 Casino.

The development is expected to have a global impact, allowing 500 casinos to access sportsbook solutions, according to Rosaire.

500 Casino has also talked about the partnership and its benefits. According to Christoffer Andersson, 500 Casino’s COO, the company has always been intrigued by BETBY’s solutions and products. Therefore, the entire team is thrilled to partner with them to lead the industry by example.

According to the sports betting news, BETBY’s eSports portfolio is revolutionary and will appeal to 500 Casino’s audience as well. As a result, everyone is looking forward to the release of new products resulting from this collaboration, according to Christoffer.

In the future months, users may anticipate significant updates, according to BETBY’s most recent post. Customers will support it simply because it has two businesses with the calibre of BETBY and 500 Casino. Both platforms have established their value by offering top-notch products and services.

Author: George Holt